Positivity…. Really??

Positivity…. Really??

I think not. What do you think?


I’ve been spending the past two weeks wishing everyone a happy new year. I’m feeling gratitude and relief for having this terrible, painful, frankly shocking year come to a close. I am feeling hope and positivity for the New Year upon us.


Now I’m reexamining my thinking.


Positivity? Isn’t that a bit naïve and simplistic for a complex time so fraught with peril?


Alternatively, going down the negativity road has absolutely no value. Negative thinking results in inaction which can actually move you backwards. Negativity makes you defensive, protective and causes you to retreat and often give up completely.


Don’t misunderstand me I believe positive thinking is a good thing. It is a mindset to avoid negativity, to use affirmations in the face of harsh realities. But that is not all that is needed. A mindset is not action.


Perhaps “possibility thinking” is what we need now. 


The folks who sold masks and hand sanitizer back in March pivoted to possibility. Change is upon us now. We need to take actions to adjust to change and perhaps flourish and grow. Where do you see the possibilities?


Write to me and tell me what you think. Let’s discuss.